Demon Cycle Wiki
Water Ward

A Water Ward

Water Demons, also known as Lake Demons, are the most common corelings for the people of Fort Lakton. The people of Lakton use seal nets to avoid attacks. Lake demons also attack ships that travel the waters at night. They attack boats on the water surface using long tentacles, pulling them under the waves where they are able to devour their prey without harm.

They vary in size and are rarely seen. They are long and covered with scales, with tentacles that end in webbed and sharp claws. Some have tentacles that end in sharp bone. They can only breath underwater, being able to come to surface for short periods of time and can swim extremely fast.


  • Air: They can't survive air for a long time and even dislike exposure, if you manage to pull them out of the water they will eventually die. Arlen once got his arm inside the gap of one, but he managed to get free by pulling the demon up from the water until it let go.
  • Light: They need light to see things outside of the water so i n an pitch dark night you can sail over the water without them noticing. Also they fear bright light.