Demon Cycle Wiki

Chapter Synopses

Prologue - Gaolers - Alagai Ka, Demon Prince, is being held captive by Arlen, Jardir, Renna, and Shanvah. Alagai Ka is using Shanvat as his drone. Alagai Ka warns of a coming "swarm." The humans want the Demon Prince to guide them into the core to kill the Queen. The Demon Prince tries to escape with the aid of his human drone. He escapes initially, but is resubjugated and awakes with wards all over him. The wards prevent him from dissipating or using any mind magic.

Chapter 1 - Both - Leesha is pregnant and traveling in a carriage back to Hollow County, where she is now Countess. She tells Wonda the baby is Jardir's, and gives her other instructions for the arrival at Hollow County. Her home will be the former keep of her lover Thamos (deceased). Many subjects are awaiting her arrival, and she is rushed inside because the baby's birth is imminent. Elona and Arny, Leesha's parents are present along with other named dignitaries. Leesha only wants Wonda and Darsy present for the birth, but Amanvah forces her way in also. The child is extremely strong and too large to birth safely (Leesha assumes because of the magic she has been using), so Amanvah cuts the baby from Leesha and then heals her. The baby is discovered to have both male and female genitalia.

Chapter 2 - Olive - Leesha examines her baby and is unconcerned about it being a hermaphrodite. Only if the baby has health concerns will surgical means be discussed. Amanvah wants to do a casting for the baby, and Leesha consents, with conditions. Amanvah must tell Leesha everything about the casting and must teach Leesha to read the dice, amongst other conditions. This is a very bold demand, but Amanvah accedes. They cast the die and get a reading that says the child could be the Deliverer. The decide it will be safest to announce the baby as female. It is also said in this chapter that Leesha knows that Amanvah and Sikvah are carrying Rojer's children. The baby will be named Olive.

Chapter 3 - Countess Paper - The chapter starts with Tarisa (a maid?) brushing out Leesha's hair. Leesha knows she spies for the Duchess Mum. Leesha is in Thamos's room and ends up weeping over "the reminders of her lost love." Leesha meets with Arther, and names him First Councilor. She has to get back to being Countess, and Arther has many documents requiring her approval and signature. Next Emelia, formerly Rosal and betrothed to Gared, is called in. Leesha wants her to make Gared take care of his duties as Baron, because he is only interested in fighting demons. After this, Leesha meets with all her councilors and other named people. They conduct business, discussing the problem that the Warded Children pose. Kendall is given her Jongleurs license and given the position of Leesha's Herald. Amanvah and Sikvah announce they will be returning to Everam's Bounty, where Amanvah will become Damaji'ting of the Kaji. After the meeting and everyone leaving, Elona traps Gared, trying to seduce him. She is predatory and vulgar, but Gared is struggling to resist. Leesha listens in by magic, and finally enters to make it stop. Leesha sends Wonda to get Emelia/Rosal, who comes and puts Elona in her place, even though Elona says she's carrying Gared's child.

Chapter 4 - Ragen and Elissa -
