Demon Cycle Wiki

The Spear of Ala is an underground settlement (or csar, a Krasian word for a fortress) built by Kaji and the Krasian people, when they descended to the Core at least three thousand of years before the return (AR).

It was rediscovered by Arlen Bales as he searched with Ahmann Jardir for the Alagai'ting Ka while traveling to the Core. The structure is incredibly well preserved, given that it has been hidden from the elements for thousands of years. The csar is protected from destruction by demons due to the strong warding on its walls. Additionally, the settlement itself is the shape of a Greatward, similar to Hollow County. The result is a very strong magical protection.

When the structure is rediscovered, it seems linked with The Spear of Kaji and the Crown of Kaji, worn by Ahmann Jardir. The crown acts as a key to the locked city, and also results in a relationship between Jardir and the Spear of Ala, rather like that between Arlen Bales and the Core: both characters report the source of magic as "calling" or "talking" to them. Within the city, Jardir is able to interact with his city, e.g. calling prison cells to life, simply through the use of the crown.

Over the thousands of years since the csar's abandonment, gwilji, a bread of Krasian dogs, have evolved to become more like demons, turning to the use of magic, over 'traditional' food. As the creatures are semi-immaterial and neither fully demon nor dog, they are able to partially pass the protection of the wards.
