Demon Cycle Wiki
Literally "heroes' bones," the name for the great temple in Krasia made out of the bones of fallen warriors. Having their bones lacquered and added to the temple is the highest honor that warriors can attain.[1]

The Sharik Hora refers to both the bones and the temple ("Temple of Heroes' Bones") made of them. It is usually the holiest and most revered place in any Krasian settlement. Initially around the time of The Warded Man, the only known great temple was located in Fort Krasia inside the innermost walls of the Holy City. It is not directly stated, but the Dama'ting Palace was usually built near and partially under the Sharik Hora temple.

Later, the Krasians began building a Sharik Hora at Everam's Bounty and one was discovered in the Spear of Ala deep underground.

