Demon Cycle Wiki

Hamlets, The Free-Cities, The Duke's Mines, Ruins and all the other places you can find in the world of The Demon Cycle.


View/Edit to be created list.
To be created


  • Briarpatch[1]
  • Corelings' Graveyard[2]
  • Dividing River[3]
  • Docktown[4]
  • Morning County[5]
  • Mouth of the Abyss[6]
  • Underpalace[7]
  • The Vault[8]


  • Anoch Dahl[9]
  • Arlen's Secret Tower[10]
  • Brayan's Gold
  • Bogton[11]
  • Cathedral of Angiers[12]
  • Cathedral of Miln[13]
  • Dama'ting pavilion[14]
  • Deadwell[15]
  • Duke's Mines[16]
Nightfall Saga
  • Apple Hill[43]
  • Edon’s Vineyard[44]
  • Everam's Watch[45]
    /Lookout Hill
  • Gatherers' University[46]
Already in Krasian Dictionary


  • Undercity



  1. The Core, pg. ?
  2. The Daylight War, pg. 107
  3. The Warded Man, pg. 117
  4. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  5. The Core, pg. ?
  6. The Core, pg. ?
  7. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  8. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  9. The Core, pg. ?
  10. The Core, pg. ?
  11. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  12. The Skull Throne, pg. 461
  13. The Core, pg. ?
  14. The Desert Spear, Ch. 3: Chin, pg. 19
  15. The Desert Spear, pg. 62
  16. The Warded Man, pg. 14
  17. The Skull Throne, pg. 509
  18. The Daylight War, pg. 72
  19. The Core, pg. ?
  20. The Core, pg. ?
  21. The Core, pg. ?
  22. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  23. The Core, pg. ?
  24. The Desert Spear, pg. 390
  25. The Daylight War, pg. 264
  26. The Skull Throne, pg. 502
  27. The Core, pg. ?
  28. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  29. The Core, pg. ?
  30. The Warded Man, pg. 193
  31. The Skull Throne, pg. 50
  32. The Daylight War, pg. 72
  33. The Desert Spear, Ch. 5: Jiwah Ka, pg. 92
  34. The Desert Spear, Ch. 5: Jiwah Ka, pg. 101
  35. The Desert Spear, Ch. 5: Jiwah Ka, pg. 104
  36. The Desert Spear, Ch. 5: Jiwah Ka, pg. 92
  37. The Daylight War, pg. 276
  38. The Warded Man, pg. 6
  39. The Skull Throne, pg. 443
  40. The Warded Man, pg. 6
  41. The Daylight War, pg. 524
  42. The Daylight War, pg. ?
  43. The Desert Prince, pg. ?
  44. The Desert Prince, Ch. 30: Greenbloods
  45. The Desert Prince, Map 1
  46. The Desert Prince, pg. ?
  47. The Desert Prince, pg. ?
  48. The Desert Prince, pg. ?
  49. The Desert Prince, Ch. 14: Bones
  50. The Desert Prince, pg. ?
  51. The Desert Spear, pg. 38
  52. The Daylight War, pg. 244

See also[]

All items (43)
