Demon Cycle Wiki
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Twitter-PVBrett-Alagai Ka color-by Dominik Broniek-27mar2024

By Dominik Broniek

Alagai Ka, so named by Ahmann Jardir, also known as the Consort,[1] "Prince of Lies",[2] or "Demon Prince",[3] is a Mind Demon captured by Arlen Bales, Renna Tanner, and Ahmann. After a long period of questioning and frequent attempts at escape, it leads the three with Shanvah to the Core using the otherwise mindless body of Shanjat.

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→ [Eventually the Consort escapes right before the group enters the Hive of the Queen.]


  1. The Core, Prologue pg. 3
  2. The Core, Prologue pg. 6
  3. The Core, pg. ?

See also[]

External links[]

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